miércoles, 8 de julio de 2009

If I were a mountain

If I were a mountain
I would be tall, I would be strong.
I would have inner stillness;
I would have stood tall above the valleys,
I would have caressed the sky while rooted in the soil,
I would have been a channel between Heaven and Earth,
I would have met Moises and Zeus,
I would have been blessed
As did others who came before me;
But I am not a mountain:
I am short, weak, unbalanced.
I do not dream of eternity, or of paradise,
My dreams are profane and earthy;
I am volatile, fragile, at the least;

I am unworthy of the blessings of the mountain.
If I were a mountain, I would surely not be me.
Orlando, Fl. August 5th, 2008. (from my journal)

2 comentarios:

  1. Al terminar de leerlo, no pude evitar pensar en "No te salves" de Benedetti. Tal vez, si todos fuesemos montañas, no hubiese forma de conocer universos más allá del valle. Un abrazo, So.

  2. Hasta la comparación es necia, pero gracias :). Te agradezco el piropo -aun siendo inmerecido :). Un abrazote!
