domingo, 6 de enero de 2013

Exploraciones vitales

"Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore." – Andre Gide

Los que vivimos desafiando lo convencional, frecuentemente, nos encontramos en encrucijadas que nos empujan a ir más allá del entorno conocido. Es una experiencia que nos asusta mucho, sin embargo, desafiamos el miedo y nos alejamos de la orilla. 

Toda expedición conlleva la posibilidad del fracaso. En ocasiones alcanzamos la otra orilla soñada, y otras tantas navegamos a la deriva en alta mar. Sin embargo, la mera experiencia de buscar la posibilidad de lo que pudo haber sido vale la pena, aunque nuestra expedición termine en naufragio. 

5 comentarios:

  1. Breve, cargado, contundente y lleno de significado (¿estarás tomando café expreso últimamente? :P)

  2. Hola Fer, no las experiencias que vivimos a diario que hay que procesarlas de alguna manera. En mí caso, escribiendo mis pensamientos en este espacio con la esperanza de que alguien me haga compañía al leerlas.

    Saludos y gracias por leer.

  3. hmmmm....since the quote's in English I'll take the liberty to comment the same way(I'm terrible with accents)..some sailors are afraid of heading away from shore, others have already experienced new seas...what of them? From experience I've learned that some paths are better left untravelled, although human nature is to be curious and naive....perhaps the true gift is intuition, not courage? the 'what if' factor remains constant regardless leaving a similar but hopefully a more mature and manageable void...

  4. Anónimo, I agree that "some paths are better left untraveled", however, I believe that before one abandons the expedition one should evaluate the path. That's what I did. Now, my expedition has been abandoned, but not before I ventured into the sea, for a bit, just to test the waters... lol I returned to the shore quickly when I realized the conditions were adverse to travelling :) However, I have no regrets, because I explored the possibility, but decided not to sail, based on evidence, and not on fear :P

  5. no regrets = manageable void ;) just teasing...although intrigued I'll leave the topic alone....out of one of my new favorite websites has a fresh entry =)
